The Dolibarr ERP has several free modules or plugins which are developed by the community of Dolibarr service providers, but most of these modules do not offer several functionalities or rather do not integrate pro options and functionalities, the majority of free modules contain the minimum of options to meet a particular need, below is the list of free modules available in the Dolistore platform, and this list is not exhaustive:

- Quick-Notes module: Allows each user to take and consult his notes from any Dolibarr page:

- Dolibase Installer Module: Official module for installing / uninstalling the Dolibase Framework:

- Colombian electronic invoice module: Module for the integration of electronic invoicing in Colombia.

- Debug bar module: Toolbar to simplify debugging (very useful for developers)

- TakePOS 8 module: TAKEPOS is an advanced point of sale terminal. It is a simple and intuitive tool but also very powerful because it can be integrated into Dolibarr.

- Multiple external sites module for Dolibarr: Module for adding multiple external sites for version 7.0.x (like the core externalsite module but with multiple additions). Customization of URLs, top menu names and associated logos.

- Dolibarr Internal Notifications module: The Internal Notifications module allows the automatic sending of information notifications by email when a user performs basic actions on Third Parties, Contacts and Events.

- User Activity Dashboard module: Tracks user performance based on the number of prospects entered, the number of proposals submitted, the number of conversions to sales and the amount of sales, the amount of gross margin and the ratio between cost and sales made during a given period

- Dolibarr Assistant module: In this version of 'Dolibarr Assitant', only the creation of a basic invoice is implemented. You can add more functions by modifying the code. Soon, more commands will be added to this chatbot and will be integrated with “Google assistant”, “Siri”, “Alexa” with more artificial intelligence and voice control.

- Advanced module builder module: An advanced module builder for Dolibarr ERP / CRM

- Contab Dolibarr module: This module will allow you to perform basic accounting of your business or company, manage your own catalog of accounts and create policies for agendas, income and expenses. In addition to viewing an income statement and a balance sheet.