The Dolibarr ERP has several free themes and templates which are developed by the community of Dolibarr service providers, but most of these themes do not offer several functionalities or rather do not integrate professional options and functionalities, the majority of Dolibarr's free templates contain the minimum of options to meet a particular need, below is the list of free themes available in the Dolistore platform, and this list is not exhaustive:

- Oblyon theme for Dolibarr: The Oblyon theme offers you a modern and user-friendly design. Directly inspired by a flat design trend, Oblyon guarantees you accessible and efficient navigation. With menu reorganization and a static navigation bar with drop-down menus, navigating from one page to another has never been easier.

- Gego Theme by Dolibarr: Gego Dolibarr Theme **** The base eldy theme is tweaked slightly to add background colors and padding to tables / tabs to make forms and pages less cluttered. The use of bright colors and dull backgrounds gives better visibility and feel. Check out this theme.

On the other hand we find the best theme of Dolibarr but cost a bit expensive for the customers it is the theme:

- Revolution Pro Dolibarr Theme: Change your vision with ERP and CRM Dolibarr, the 2.0 revolution that you have been waiting for X time for an ERP that will become the most powerful on the market, the new "Revolution Pro" theme will revolutionize your imagination compared to the use of this Dolibarr Open Source tool within your company. In short, it's the best theme of the web 2.0 generation